Here are some photos from Mullet Night at the Sox game this past Friday.

This was the band playing out in front of the park before the game. As I was walking to the park, I heard them play "Everybody's Working for the Weekend" by the great Canadian group Loverboy. From the distance, I wasn't sure if it was a cover band or if it was actually Loverboy. As I got closer, I still was not sure.

We only have Coors and Tequiza.

Just accept it, because I don't know why he's there either.

Hey, it's the march of the mullet parade!

It's a bat boy for the Detroit Tigers, trust me, it makes sense

After the season is over, he rocks out 3 nights a week at a local chicken wing shack.

Can you feel the rhythm of the night?

I don't know why, but this one kind of works.

He just needs to find Morris Day and get the Time back together

I guess mullets were in the bible.

I think you should need to be mullet-guy for Halloween. Got any acid-washed jeans?
Yes, I mean no!
next year, I plan on going as the lead singer from Def Leppard.
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